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Gujranwala Anwar Industries

in Pakistan PostCode is a 5 digits code that is normally written at the end of an address which allows automated sorting of mail to a particular post office or Address. A Postal code also knows as
  • Postal code
  • zip codes.

You looking Gujranwala Anwar Industries postcode and its use for post office delivery.for more information about Gujranwala Anwar Industries Postcode Check Below Detail

Gujranwala Anwar Industries G.P.O. POSTAL / ZIP CODE INFORMATION
Gujranwala Anwar Industries Postcode Type Delivery Gujranwala Anwar Industries Post office
Gujranwala Anwar Industries  Postal Code 52300
Area Name Gujranwala Anwar Industries 
Post Office NameGeneral Post Office
Gujranwala Anwar Industries Post Office TypeMain GPO
Post office Address
General Post Office. Gujranwala Anwar Industries Punjab ,Pakistan
Tehsil : Gujrawala
District :Gujrawala
City CodeGRW
Gujranwala Anwar Industries  Latitude32.166351
Gujranwala Anwar Industries  Longitude74.195900
Pakistan ISO Code2 Digits: PK , 3 Digits : PAK

Gujrawala Gujranwala District in the Hazara region of 
punjab province, its located at 32°26 N 74.64E. The Gujranwala Anwar Industries   Postal code format consists of 5 digits. First 2 digit 52 for routing Gujranwala district and 300  code Gujranwala Anwar Industries .  Post office. Gujranwala Anwar Industries . Postal Code is 52300

: Gujranwala Anwar Industries POSTAL ADDRESS FORMAT



NAME / CompanyNameHouse NumberStreet name / Area NameCity Name – Postal codePAKISTAN

Postal address Example

Mr. Abdul wahabCircle RoadMughal puraPasrur - 51480PAKISTAN