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Ahmedpur East

Ahmedpur East or also know as Ahmedpur Sharqia is a city in Bahawalpur District, Punjab province, Pakistan
In Pakistan , a postcode is a five-digit code usually written at the end of an address. It helps in automating the sorting of mail to a specific post office or address. Postcodes are also known as postal codes and zip codes.
You looking Ahmad Pur East  postcode and its use for post office delivery.for more information about Ahmad Pur East Post code Check Below Detail

Detailed information about Ahmad Pur East Postal Code

Ahmad Pur East Postcode Type :Delivery Ahmad Pur East  Post office
Ahmad Pur East Postal Code63350
Area NameAhmad Pur East
Post Office NameAhmad Pur East General Post Office
Ahmad Pur East  Post Office TypeMain GPO
Post office Address
Canal Colony Bahawalnagar District, Bahawalnagar, Punjab
Tehsil :BahawalNagar
District :BahawalNagar
City CodeWGB
Ahmad Pur East Latitude33.768051
Ahmad Pur East Longitude72.360703
Pakistan ISO Code2 Digits: PK , 3 Digits : PAK

BahawalNagar  District in the Hazara region of Punjab province, its located at 32°26 N 74.64E. The Ahmad Pur East  Postal code format consists of 5 digits. First 2 digit 63 for routing BahawalNagar district and 350 code Ahmad Pur East Post office. Ahmad Pur East  Postal Code is 63350